Thursday, March 12, 2015

Class 8, Minecraft: Interface Fundamental

This is me reading and learning about Minecraft. I watched the tutorials. I found out about the goals and objectives (killing trees, animals etc.) and using the prizes you get to build things. I also learned how to maneuver the game. You use W for forward and S for backward. A for left and D for right. The pointer is the view you see. 

I made a new world. In my world I made a crafting table out of the wood I got from the trees. The trees do no take much time at all to get wood from. On the flip side the living animals are difficult to kill. I killed a chicken but it took a while because they run away quickly and you have to hold the keypad down for a while in order to kill it. The night time is creepier there are many things out that you cannot see coming that can kill you (witches, creepers, skeletons and zombies). Eventually I fell into lava and died. 

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