Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Class 3: Exploring the Virtual World Framework (VWF).

Virtual World Framework

The first virtual world I went to on the Virtual World Framework website was called "Grassy Terrain". At first I thought that this was a really cool virtual world however I got bored of it quickly. The grass never went away no matter how long I attempted to get to the mountain area. Every time it seemed like I was getting closer to the mountain area new grass would appear. It was frustrating that there was nothing to do/explore and simply just grass. It was also constantly lagging behind when I pressed buttons for the avatar to move. 

The second virtual world I visited on Virtual World Framework was called "Middle Eastern Village". I liked this one better than the last one. It was more detailed and had less lag than the other one. I wished that I could go past boundaries (such as rocks/fences etc). I think this is equally as good quality as Meshmoon. 

Finally my third virtual world was my least favorite. It's called "Bzflag" and it was the least detailed one. I found it to also be dull. Despite the fact that the grassy virtual world was not mentally stimulating, this one was much less detailed and therefore it was my least favorite. I would say Meshmoon is much better than this specific virtual world. 

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