Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Final #4: High Resolution Avatar

This is my MakeHuman final. I downloaded this program from: First I changed the basics. I made my avatar a female with what appeared to be similar height/weight/body shape as myself. I then put clothes on her. It was surprisingly limited on the amount of female clothes there were available. After clothing I changed the face shape, hair, eyes skin tone, nose, torso, breasts, muscles and other things that created an avatar similar to myself. I think it came out pretty well! 

This was definitely a step up from the avatars we have previously used in mesh moon and second life. The avatar looks more realistic. The features that cane be changed are interesting and helpful in personalizing your avatar in a way that the other sites did not. 


I found the "muscle" feature most complicated as I'm not sure what it was outlining however I chose the one I felt looked the most normal for my avatar. 

This is a screenshot of my avatar when I was done changing its features. I think it looks pretty normal and definitely better quality than we have previously used. 

This is my make human final where I customized an avatar to look similar to myself. 
It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

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