Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Class 8, FINAL PREPARATION: Learning the basics of JavaScript.

This part of the homework is about learning about programming JavaScript. I watched tutorials about the uses of this program as well as how to use it. I learned how to make shapes (rectangles, circles and lines) and how to make them bigger/smaller/wider/taller etc. 

 I learned how to make shapes by using script. The numbers dictate the size and location of the shape and must be plugged in exactly in order to create the right object.

We were asked to make an "H" with the rectangles. This is what mine came out like. I found the activities helpful in learning how to do it on your own. 

I then made an ellipse, rectangle and line, overlapping and discovered that the first written is the first layer. The last written is the last layer and therefore is on top and can overlap. 

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